Process of Recognition, Validation of competence (RVCC)

These processes, called Recognition, Validation and Certification of Skills, will allow the achievement of a school and/or professional qualification, based on the demonstration of knowledge and skills acquired through professional experience.

RVCC processes aim to:

  1. To allow the evaluation and adequate recognition of the knowledge and skills necessary for personal development and the labor market;
  2. To raise the basic level of qualification of the economically active population;
  3. Enable school, professional progression and socio-professional integration;
  4. To offer new opportunities to groups of the population with experience, but without qualifications and without complete schooling.

From this perspective, RVCC processes are aimed at young people and adults, with proven professional experience and competences. Currently, the legal act that regulates the matter regarding the processes of Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences is in elaboration.